Theresa Wylie | Actor Highlight | Meet the Cast | UNWAVERING

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Today on the UNWAVERING Actor Highlight series we are featuring the lovely Theresa Wylie.


Terry played the role of Sarah’s mother, Kathy. The script hit home with Terry because her own daughter got engaged and married around the same time she first read it. How’s that for coincidence?

Terry is very sweet and loving and it showed through the video audition she submitted. Without meeting her or talking to her in person I could feel the passion and warmth from her audition and I knew she was the perfect fit for the role.

Terry has been involved in some pretty great films such as Banger, Dog Eat Dog, and the recent horror film Bye Bye Man. You can read more about Terry and the projects she’s been involved with by going to her website

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Here are the questions we asked Terry:

MPF: What was your favorite part of filming for UNWAVERING?

Terry: My favorite part was working with the amazing cast and crew.  They were all so talented and hard working.  I’ve made some life long friendships!

MPF: What’s your favorite role you’ve ever played?

Terry: It’s too hard to pick a favorite.  I’ve enjoyed them all!  What I loved about playing Kathy was that I could really relate to this character.   My own daughter was also engaged and getting married.  The script seemed oddly familiar and I remember joking with Josh that I felt like he must have been to my house when he wrote the script.  ?

MPF: Which actor(s) inspire you?

Terry: I’m a big fan of Meryl Streep, Sandra Bullock, and Debra Messing. 

MPF: What’s your favorite movie of all time?

Terry: Hard to pick an absolute favorite but some I love are:  Forrest Gump,  The Devil Wears Prada,  The Proposal,  A Beautiful Mind

MPF: What are a couple of your hobbies?

Terry: In the summer, I just love being outdoors hiking or biking.  We have a lot of great parks nearby but we also love to throw our bikes in the car and check out new places.  In the winter, I like reading murder mysteries and making puzzles while counting down the days until summer.

MPF: What made you interested in acting?

Terry: I didn’t get started until later in life but I’ve always had an interest in relationships and what motivates people to do things.  I remember watching plays and movies as a kid and wondering how I could get involved.  It’s been such an amazing experience getting to explore my creative side when developing a character.

MPF: Favorite color?

Terry: Red

MPF: Who is your favorite character in the UNWAVERING film?

Terry: Sarah, my daughter, of course!  I love her strength.

MPF: Do you have any advice for aspiring actors?

Terry: Network!  You can learn a lot from your fellow actors.  Also, don’t be too hard on yourself.  It’s a learning process and there will be a lot of disappointments.  That’s just part of it.  Another opportunity is right around the corner.  Work hard, be friendly, and believe in your training.  Never pay to audition or be represented!

Thank you, Theresa, for being involved with this film! For information about the Grand Premiere of UNWAVERING be sure to sign up for the newsletter here:

Also, be sure to stay connected through Facebook | Instagram

Danielle Nungesser | Actor Highlight | Meet the Cast | UNWAVERING

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Today we continue the UNWAVERING Actor Highlight series with Danielle Nungesser.

DanielleNungesserDanielle played the role of Chloe in UNWAVERING. Danielle brought her own style to the character and had great improvisation. Danielle recently wrote, produced, directed, and acted in her first short, Dolan. You can it view here: Also, Dani has her own YouTube channel. You can follow her musings here:

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Here are the questions we asked Danielle:

MPF: What was your favorite part of filming for UNWAVERING?

Danielle: Not only can I comment on how excellent the professionalism was for both cast and crew, being on set was the best! Without a doubt, we became instant family. That was the magic of UNWAVERING.

MPF: What’s your favorite role you’ve ever played?

Danielle: I think my favorite role was playing a Hogwarts student for my Youtube video. 🙂

MPF: Which actor(s) inspire you?

Danielle: I was inspired to start acting after watching Sean Patrick Flanery and Norman Reedus in Boondock Saints. I met them back in 2014 and I told both of them how much they inspired me to start acting. Never miss an opportunity to tell your heroes how much they inspired you. 🙂

MPF: What’s your favorite movie of all time?

Danielle: Definitely Boondock Saints

MPF: What are a couple of your hobbies?

Danielle: I love making comedic Youtube videos, meditating, and playing guitar. 

MPF: What made you interested in acting?

Danielle: I’ve always been interested in acting ever since I was 5 years old. It was only when I turned 26 and working at a job I hated, and constantly watching The Boondock Saints, that I said I should start film acting.

MPF: Favorite color?

Danielle: Green

MPF: Who is your favorite character in the UNWAVERING film?

Danielle: Sarah, without a doubt. She has incredible strength which gave strength to the other captive girls. Not only was she full of faith, but she was full of love. That is what saved them all.

MPF: Do you have any advice for aspiring actors?

Danielle: Harry Potter said, “Working hard is important. But there is something that matters even more: Believing in yourself. ” Work hard but keep believing that you can do it… Because YOU CAN!

Thank you, Dani, for your great performance! For information about the Grand Premiere of UNWAVERING be sure to sign up for the newsletter here:

Also, be sure to stay connected through Facebook | Instagram

Georin Aquila | Actor Highlight | Meet the Cast | UNWAVERING

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We continue the UNWAVERING Actor Highlight series today with Georin Aquila.

Georin played the role of a terrorist in UNWAVERING. Standing at 6′ 3″ tall and a little over 200 lbs, Georin’s muscular stature was a great fit for what I was looking for. He did a phenomenal job and helped to be the enforcer in a couple of situations throughout the film.

Although playing the role as a terrorist, Georin is one of the kindest and sincere actors I’ve worked with. He has been involved with many projects and even plays the role of a businessman in the upcoming Fast & Furious 8 film. You can learn more about Georin and the roles he’s played on his IMDB page

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Here are the questions we asked Georin:

MPF: What was your favorite part of filming for UNWAVERING?

Georin: Being in the warehouse with the smoke, the low light and seeing everyone get into character and making it feel like a real hostage situation.

MPF: What’s your favorite role you’ve ever played?

Georin: Playing a Pittsburgh Steeler in the 2008 Superbowl commercial. When I put on that uniform and ran across that field it was if I was a real member of the team. It was a cool moment in my acting career.

MPF: Which actor(s) inspire you?

Georin: Morgan Freeman, Al Pacino, Idris Elba, Michael Fassbender, Sigourney Weaver

MPF: What’s your favorite movie of all time?

Georin: Heat with Al Pacino & Robert DeNiro

MPF: What are a couple of your hobbies?

Georin: Outside of the acting world, I love to workout, I love creating things with my hands, traveling with the family.

MPF: What made you interested in acting?

Georin: As a child I would always find myself playing characters with my brothers and sisters, but I didn’t really open up my true passion for it until about 2008.

MPF: Favorite color?

Georin: White

MPF: Who is your favorite character in the UNWAVERING film?
Georin: Man in Doorway – He was just

MPF: Do you have any advice for aspiring actors?
Georin: Yes… Like anything you want to be great at in life, you have to prepare, you have to study, you have to practice, you have to continue to believe in yourself, and you can never give up!

Thank you, Georin, for your awesome performance! For information about the Grand Premiere of UNWAVERING be sure to sign up for the newsletter here:

Also, be sure to stay connected through Facebook | Instagram